Saturday, September 11, 2010


In searching for various blog sites that might be helpful for me as an instructional designer, specifically as it might relate to my intended future use and applications of the knowledge gained as a result of the completion of this degree program, I have selected the following three sites:

  1. Making Change – Ideas for Lively Elearning
  2. Beth's Thoughts on Technology in the Classroom
  3. MPB Reflections – 21st Century Teaching and Learning
 The content of site #1 is geared towards instructional design ideas, primarily as they might relate to elearning opportunities for various business environments. The originator of this site has a strong technology background and works with clients across the globe, assisting with ID skills for individuals as well as elearning. I selected this site for two reasons. First, I thought the information on this site, as it is primarily geared towards business organizations, would help broaden my understanding of theories, technologies and ID considerations in that I have been in an academic environment for many years and look to incorporate knowledge gained from this Master’s Degree program in my current environment for future curriculum and departmental changes that are on the horizon. Secondly, I thought the site would be beneficial as the primary target audience/learners are adults and I currently, and in the future will be working with individuals closer to this age range, as opposed to, ex., younger elementary aged learners.

The content of site #2 is geared towards learning and educational technology in a classroom setting. The originator of this site is currently a K-12 technology integration specialist. Her intent is to support teachers as they integrate technology in their classrooms. This is one of the reasons I chose this site. In my current position, I primarily coach an intercollegiate athletic team. I am looking, in the very near future, to transition to the classroom setting (both traditional and online) and want to be as effective as possible, in both curriculum design and utilizing technology, for my future students.

The content of site #3 is geared specifically towards teaching and learning at the community college level. This site, for me, is an obvious choice. As I currently work, and anticipate continuing to work, at a community college, I thought this site would be very helpful towards being more effective with my anticipated future position, direction, and goals.

Finally, a primary consideration for selecting all three of these sites is that they appeared to be current in both the originator’s postings as well as others who contributed to the sites. Additionally, as they do appear to be active, I hope to continue frequenting these sites after this course and into the future, as both a reader/learner and a contributor. In particular, site #3, which most closely relates to my current and anticipated working environment, has been active for the past four years. I have the belief the site will be continuing!

As a side note, the link from this week’s article by Ferriter, "Learning with Blogs and Wikis", was very helpful in providing the following website:

1 comment:

  1. Nice Sheri, very well structured - I signed up to follow you for the next 8 weeks thanks!
