Sunday, July 3, 2011

Distance Learning – Defined

When considering my personal observations of distance learning prior to the start of this course, I must acknowledge the foremost influence has been the professional environment in which I have worked for many years. This environment has been at post-secondary academic institutions. Although intercollegiate coaching has been my primary job responsibility, I have seen significant changes in distance learning (DL) education over the past 15 years.

At the early part of this 15 year time period, DL entailed students listening to a series of audio cassettes rather than attending a classroom and hearing an instructor lecture on a subject. Student to student interaction was not a component of this environment. As time passed, the provision of content via video tape, the Internet, and video conferencing occurred. These technology tools expanded the definition of what I knew DL to be, at the time. Distance learning can be defined as formal education where the teacher, learner, and resources are separated by geography and/or time (Simonson). This accurately describes my definition of DL during this period of time. However, the degrees and combinations of separation between geography and/or time significantly changed during these 15 years, as did the interactions and communications between instructor/student and student/student. Additionally, with video conferencing courses established between the community college at which I work, and a four-year university located three hours away, both synchronous and asynchronous learning became part of my definition of DL.

Upon beginning this current course, my definition of DL has expanded. What was a concept of narrowly applying DL to an academic environment, specifically post-secondary, has now expanded to all areas or circumstances where learning is a component. I believe utilizing a DL solution for a learning problem, regardless of environment, is a viable consideration, while not always the best or chosen solution. Previously, my definition included the learner in a DL environment to be an adult, although I was not specifically conscious of this until the start of this course. However, with distance education and learning being one of the fastest growing areas at K-12 institutions (Huett et al., 2008), I now must included learners of all ages in my definition.

The resources from this past week encouraged and allowed me to create a more specific definition of DL. In recognizing four elements of DL to include: the learning to be institutionally based; a separation of teacher and learner; interactive communication at a distance; and the sharing of data, voice, and video, which connects learners, resources and instructors, it can be concluded, with the exclusion of any one of these four elements, the circumstance or environment is not distance learning, rather something else (Simonson et al., 2009). These elements can allow for a more objective distinction to be made between distance learning and other forms of education and/or training. With e-learning becoming a more cost effective means of delivering training within corporate or business organizations, regardless of the extent to which the implementation is ultimately effective (Moller, et al., 2009), being able to identify the training as true DL methodology or something else, should better enable an accurate description of the training to occur. As such, based upon the specific type of training or educational delivery method being utilized, sound modifications and adaptations can be made.

Given the combination of the nature of technology growing in its capabilities and affordability, and the demand for distance learning opportunities increasing, I see no other outcome than DL continuing to grow. With DL having been promoted enough to have reached a critical mass, it now needs to be supported, not just promoted (Simonson). Jobs, family responsibilities, social commitments, the need for additional training at advanced levels, and offering opportunities to more, including those who may be disadvantaged, are some of the reasons DL will continue to grow (Simonson et al., 2009). Furthermore, I believe, as we increase our understanding of the capabilities of DL, and knowing how to design an effective DL model, the quality in the delivery and outcomes will continue to grow, for the better. With this, we should all, as individuals and a society, reap benefits and rewards. Education brings about knowledge, which brings about growth, regardless of whether or not a learner might be physically sitting among classmates and an instructor.


Huett, J., Moller, L., Foshay, W. R., & Coleman, C. (2008). The Evolution of Distance Education: Implications for Instructional Design on the Potential of the Web. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 52(5), 63-67.

Moller, L., Forshay, W. R., & Huett, J. (2008). The Evolution of Distance Education: Implications for Instructional Design on the Potential of the Web. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 52(3), 70-75.

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

Simonson, M. Distance Education: The Next Generation. Lecture presented for Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved from

Below is a mindmap depicting my new definition and future vision of distance learning.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

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