Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fitting The Pieces Together

After having examined other learning theories over the past few weeks, my view on how I learn has shifted. I have a broader understanding of what I do as a learner, how I approach my own learning, how I prefer my learning environment to be, and most certainly have a greater understanding of various learning theories. Six weeks ago, I indicated behaviorism and cognitivism to be most closely related to how I learn. While I still do believe those theories apply to learning in my earlier days, I believe cognitivism, definitely connectivism and aspects of adult learning theory most closely describe how I best learn today.

In regards to cognitivism, as outlined by Ertmer and Newby in “Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism”, aspects of cognitivism that align with my learning tendencies and preferences include:  changes between states of knowledge rather than changes in the probability of a particular response; the learner being an active participant in their own learning; understanding how to apply knowledge in a different context; and being predisposed to learning. I believe all of these aspects are involved in my current endeavors in this MSIDT program, in particular applying concepts to different set of circumstances. With the wide range of examples an circumstances offered for various concepts and theories, in addition to the wide range of backgrounds and experience brought in from other classmates, I believe I have been able to apply various concepts towards different sets of circumstances. This also has enabled me to have a greater grasp on the concept or theory involved.

In the online article “Adult Learning”, Conlan, Grabowski, and Smith write about andragogy and some primary aspects of adult learning theory that are familiar to me as a learner. The first deals with learning being problem-centered and the learner wanting to know immediate applications of the knowledge. In most everything covered in this program thus far, I always want to know the relevance of and specific applications for what is being learned. I also am primarily motivated by internal as opposed to external factors. I seek to be challenged and to better coordinate future learning environments for myself as an instructor and most certainly for the students with whom I will work. In this same article, the authors point out experiential learning. I believe this concept is definitely part of who I am as a learner. My learning necessitates a combination of “show me” and most importantly “involve me”. I not only want, but need to be a part, in a hands-on manner, of the learning in which I am involved.

The greatest impact on my own awareness of learning incorporates much of connectivism. Having not previously considered the extent and value of a learning network, in the past three weeks I’ve become aware of not only how important a learning network is, of greater significance is my preference for this type of connectivism learning environment. Siemens, in the video “Connectivism” describes connectivism as integrating social networks, information, and technology. For a long time, I have been drawn towards technological tools and environments, without a clear understanding of their impact on my learning and others. When combined with social and information components of one’s learning network, it seems as though there would be endless possibilities. Davis, Edmunds, and Kelly-Bateman, in their article “Connectivism”, stress the importance of networks and developing learning communities in order that ideas be shared with others. Siemens, in his blog “Connectivism” points out the value of blending the traditional knowledge spaces with new, emerging knowledge spaces. He continues by identifying people, or learners wanting to participate, and if allowed their space to do so, will create and innovate through their expression of their own ideas and concepts.

My final thoughts for this post are all about technology. As mentioned previously, I felt I had a predisposition towards technology. This is actually one of the reasons I ultimately chose this program and Walden University to further my academic goals. Upon completion of this past week’s content and readings in Johnson, Levine, and Smith’s “The Horizon Report”, for this course, I have determined technology will be a huge factor in my continued learning. With the emerging technologies of mobiles, cloud computing, geo-everything, personal web, semantic-aware applications, and smart objects, I will certainly be needing to learn much more about these various technological tools and more importantly, how to specifically incorporate them in my own learning and future instructional design efforts. Perhaps this is the adult learner in me! I do foresee technological tools being invaluable in my continued search for, creation of, and the sharing with others of information, and in establishing greater links between the various aspects of my learning network.


Conlan, J., Grabowski, S., & Smith, K. (2003). Adult learning. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), 50–71.

Johnson, L., Levine, A., & Smith, R. (2009). The Horizon Report (2009 ed.). Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. Connectivism. [Video Production]. Laureate Education, Inc.

Siemens, G. (2010, August 19). Connectivism. [Blog]. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reflecting on a Mind Map

In considering the mind map I created and posted on this blog October 6, I first chose the three broad areas of people, technology, and information. These three areas are most certainly not mutually exclusive. Rather, they most certainly overlap one another and have similar aspects and impacts on my learning. Initially, I thought I might have a difficult time identifying what I needed, as being enough components for this map. As I progressed, I thought of things, people, and circumstances affecting my learning that I never realized had the impact they have, or could have, if I were to  place more focus and/or resources on these areas. I have never previously really considered the concept of network connections as they might relate to and affect my overall learning.  Categorizing the resources that have, can, and will impact the extent to which I learn, not only gives  me a clearer picture of the reasons I might more effectively learn, it better enables me to more effectively focus on these resources.

In posting my mind map to this blog last week, the first sentence in the post include “a work in progress”. The reason for this is that I felt there was much more to be included in the map. However, I was not yet certain of what these things, items, or areas might be. A very good case in point, after having viewed several of my classmates’ blogs and mind maps, is that I neglected to specifically include the experiences, people, and resources of Walden University! How could that not be an aspect of my mind map? The obvious evidently escaped me! This led me to wonder what other obvious items needed to be included.

This personal learning network definitely supports the viewpoints of connectivism. In the video “Connectivism” (Siemens), the integration of technology, social networks, and information is how connectivism is identified. Each of these items is what my map encompasses. Although, my current social network components are primarily real-time based, as identified on the left portion of the map, I do anticipate an expansion of this network into digital social network areas, as identified on the lower right portion of the map. In thinking about the details of the map, there are continued links with Siemens’ video in the following ways:  knowledge is distributed across these components; there clearly exists a broader learning environment than just me as a learner; information is definitely abundant and my “offloading” is primarily directed towards technology; and it most certainly is rich in technology.

My learning definitely does not consist solely of a book, lamp, and chair! Access to the world, thank you Internet, is an extremely important factor. The use of the technology area on my map, enables me to obtain items from the information area on my map, which becomes a part of my communications with people on the left side of my map. This capability is the primary reason the way I now learn has changed. The hardware and software available to me, and that I am able to stay current with these tools, allow for greater efficiency and effectiveness in learning, in addition to greater breadth and depth of learning. The one specific digital tool making the most significant difference for me is my laptop. Learning goes where I go! It does not remain in a book, in a classroom, or with a person. I have constant access to people and information. When questions arise, my first recourse is to go online and research answers to the question. I would like to point out, when considering Prensky’s two definitions of generational learners, in “Timeline and the History of Learning”, while I technically fall into the “digital immigrant” category (either using the 1970 or 1965 cut-off year) I personally would like to place myself in the “digital native” category in that I believe I hold a strong aptitude regarding technology, and have always felt my technological skill set was quite proficient. (It really isn’t a denial of my age!)

This map also supports connectivism viewpoints as identified in the online article, “Connectivism” (Davis, Edmunds, and Kelly-Bateman. 2008). In this article, the authors point out the imperative nature of having the ability to identify what is and is not important information. In my earlier example of going online to search for answers to a question, I must be able to efficiently sift through the results of my search, and identify beneficial information. These authors also identify learning to occur when prior knowledge, perception, reality, comprehension, and flexibility come together. My mind map, in its present form, might visually imply the components do not interrelate. Perhaps it would be more accurate to detach each component, place them in a mind map melting pot, stir them up, and pour them out on a page … with continued animation, to convey the fluidity with which the components interact. In doing so, this could more clearly demonstrate my mind map including pieces of each of the three components of connectivism as Davis, Edmunds, and Kelly-Bateman (2008) outline. These components being, chaos theory, the importance of networking, and the relationship between complexity and self-organization.

Finally, I would like to express my definite agreement with two points in this week’s blog reading, “Connectivism” (Siemens, 2010).

Point one:  “There is value of blending traditional with emergent knowledge spaces”.
Point two:  “Learners will create and innovate if they can express ideas and concepts in their own spaces and through their own expertise”.

Taking into consideration the learners, content, and specific set of learning goals, the environment in which to allow these two points to occur needs only be designed! Perhaps easier said than done, at least for me now. However, this will be revisited in the future!


Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. Connectivism. [Video Production]. Laureate Education, Inc.

Siemens, G. (2010, August 19). Connectivism. [Blog]. Retrieved from

Timeline of the History of Learning. [Flash Media Program]. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


 Below is my current mind map, a definite work in progress! Some items are “older” than others! Some are “newer” to my learning network. Others will be part of my “future” learning network as I progress. Additional details regarding the items on the map will soon be provided. As always, I look forward to learning more!

(If you click on the jpg, it should enlarge to a readable size.)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Locating Online Resources

In utilizing search engines and the Walden Library databases (whew!), I located two electronic resources regarding learning and the brain. The first online resource I chose is “Teaching with the Brain in Mind”. It can be found at and is located at the Walden eBrary.

In reviewing this resource, I found it to be extremely relevant and helpful in regards to understanding how the brain functions and how it relates to one’s learning under various circumstances and conditions. It presents a great deal of information and begins with an overview of the brain and its development from early childhood to adolescent years. It includes information on:  increasing student engagement; how previous knowledge impacts learning; how emotions effect learning; the physical learning environment and its effect on learning; motivation, learned helplessness, and how rewards play a role in learning; memory recall; and how the brain encodes and deals with problem solving. These topics are only a portion of the topics covered.

One of the reason I selected this resource is because it seems to provide much information about how the brain works, but more importantly, it offers real examples, and relates the concepts and theories to actual teaching. This more clearly enables me to better envision a future scenario for constructing and designing a learning environment for potential learners. This resource offers a good balance between theory and practical information. While reviewing portions of the resource, I was able to visualize clear applications for the information and concepts about which I was reading. I will certainly be keeping this resource in mind well into the future for continued reference.

The second online resource I selected is the “International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning”. It can be found at Specifically, I located the article “Brain-Based Learning:  Possible Implications for Online Instruction”, within this online journal. The specific website for this article is:

One of the reasons for selecting this article is that it includes information about the brain and learning as they specifically relate to online learning environments. This is of great interest to me as both a current online student, and in my anticipated role in the future, as an effective online instructor. This information will also be quite helpful to me in the traditional classroom setting. It provides very specific concepts and suggestions with which to develop a successful learning environment. Another reason for selecting this article is that is contains four additional websites containing information on brain-based learning and an extensive reference list.

I hope some of this information will also be helpful to my fellow future instructional designers!


Clemons, S. A., (2005, September), Brain-Based Learning:  Possible Implications for Online Instruction. The International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(9).

Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the Brain in Mind. Alexandria : Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


In searching for various blog sites that might be helpful for me as an instructional designer, specifically as it might relate to my intended future use and applications of the knowledge gained as a result of the completion of this degree program, I have selected the following three sites:

  1. Making Change – Ideas for Lively Elearning
  2. Beth's Thoughts on Technology in the Classroom
  3. MPB Reflections – 21st Century Teaching and Learning
 The content of site #1 is geared towards instructional design ideas, primarily as they might relate to elearning opportunities for various business environments. The originator of this site has a strong technology background and works with clients across the globe, assisting with ID skills for individuals as well as elearning. I selected this site for two reasons. First, I thought the information on this site, as it is primarily geared towards business organizations, would help broaden my understanding of theories, technologies and ID considerations in that I have been in an academic environment for many years and look to incorporate knowledge gained from this Master’s Degree program in my current environment for future curriculum and departmental changes that are on the horizon. Secondly, I thought the site would be beneficial as the primary target audience/learners are adults and I currently, and in the future will be working with individuals closer to this age range, as opposed to, ex., younger elementary aged learners.

The content of site #2 is geared towards learning and educational technology in a classroom setting. The originator of this site is currently a K-12 technology integration specialist. Her intent is to support teachers as they integrate technology in their classrooms. This is one of the reasons I chose this site. In my current position, I primarily coach an intercollegiate athletic team. I am looking, in the very near future, to transition to the classroom setting (both traditional and online) and want to be as effective as possible, in both curriculum design and utilizing technology, for my future students.

The content of site #3 is geared specifically towards teaching and learning at the community college level. This site, for me, is an obvious choice. As I currently work, and anticipate continuing to work, at a community college, I thought this site would be very helpful towards being more effective with my anticipated future position, direction, and goals.

Finally, a primary consideration for selecting all three of these sites is that they appeared to be current in both the originator’s postings as well as others who contributed to the sites. Additionally, as they do appear to be active, I hope to continue frequenting these sites after this course and into the future, as both a reader/learner and a contributor. In particular, site #3, which most closely relates to my current and anticipated working environment, has been active for the past four years. I have the belief the site will be continuing!

As a side note, the link from this week’s article by Ferriter, "Learning with Blogs and Wikis", was very helpful in providing the following website: